Sunday, March 15, 2015

Mindfulness In Schools the UK
In the TED talk below, Richard Burnett, co-founder of the Mindfulness in Schools project, discusses the many benefits he has observed with mindfulness practices in schools. The practices include meditation, perspective-taking, and reflection to impact the way we act and react in our classrooms and with our students. Though started in England, the Mindfulness in Schools project has expanded to have an international focus and application.
-- Watch BBC special on Mindfulness in Schools
-- Read "Why does the Government want to teach mindfulness in schools?" on The Telegraph the US
Room To Breathe is a surprising story of transformation as struggling kids in a San Francisco public middle school that tops the district in disciplinary suspensions are introduced to the practice of mindfulness meditation. The film follows a young mindfulness teacher, Megan Cowan, as she spends several months attempting to teach this technique to the troubled students.
-- Read "Meditation Creates a Little Breathing Space for San Francisco Students"
-- Read "How to make kids listen to their minds"
-- Go to Mindful Schools website

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